Utvikler (avansert)
Dette er foredrag rettet mot deg som Drupal-utvikler. Du er kjent med Drupal sitebuilding, har satt opp egne siter med Drupal, jobber med Drupal theming og/eller utvikling av custom moduler. Du har versjonskontroll i arbeidsflyten din, du vet hva du kan bruke Drupal hooks til, jobber etter Drupal best-practice standarder og vet at Twig bidrar til raskere theming i Drupal 8.
Du vet en hel mengde andre saker også heldigvis :)
Følgende foredrag er spesielt nyttige for deg:
Twig og Drupal 8
Code sprints (sunday)
Work on Drupal 8, Commerce 2 or whatever project you would like!
Easy Local Development with Vlad: Vagrant LAMP Ansible Drupal
Vlad, short for Vagrant LAMP Ansible Drupal, is an awesome Vagrant-based application for creating and setting up virtual machines
Case-study: Drupal 8 layout builder for Varnish Software
Case stydy: How could we use Drupal 8 to build a CMS with a layout builder for a high standard company.
Drupal and the Internet of Things
New things get connected to the internet every day. You have your smart phone, smart watch and smart cars.
Meet Commerce 2.x
Drupal Commerce was developed from the ground up on Drupal 7, both benefiting from and contributing to the development of the Entity API, Views, and Rules modules.
Drupal 8 Deeper Dive
Drupal 8 is coming. Amazee Labs is already building customer sites with Drupal 8.
Render caching - an introduction
Drupal traditionally could be quite slow. Drupal 8 tries to finally solve that problem.
It therefor caches the entire rendering of the page using a new cacheing API.
Meld deg på!
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